How to replace rocker panels without welding

On multiple Vehicles, rocker panels are an authentic Achilles heel. Rocker located below your truck doors stated that they are susceptible and exposed to rust and damage. Once rust begins. It doesn’t end- until you perform something regarding it. For a beginner, replacing your rocket panel will not work, but if people utilize the correct tools and right replacement of rocker panels, it could be done efficiently. Installation of a new rocker panel would extend your truck life and keep your truck on the road. If any rust or damage to your vehicle, it is optimal to work with rust or damage as quickly as it happens. These things keep rust from becoming a foothold, and it causes enormous damage. For rocker panels, it is very critical, and the reason is any destruction to the panel would let more grime and water in, and speeding up the corrosion.  Damage of rocker panel could occur for various reasons, from gravel and rocks, including damage of paint, affects from collision or accident of parking lot. Another option is to use general rusting because of regular use. It’s not matters what’s the reason, and the damage must be repaired. Rocker behaves as protection for truck frame rails. A lot of time is required for rusty sills repairing as compare to replacing rockers.

How to replace rocker panels without welding


There exist two kinds of replacement of rocker panels. There exist two various types of replacement of rocker panels are: slip-on and welded. In this article, we will perform the replacement of the rocker panel with a slip-on. If rockers are facing damage to general corrosion but not suffering from any other deformation, specifically along the bottom and top edges, this type of rocker panels might be an optimal choice. This type of replacement rocker panel does not need welding because they could adjust on any remaining component of your rocker and connected with panel adhesive, rivets. Very minimum cutting work is generally required by slip-on replacement and generally slip-on a little faster to install.

How to replace rocker panels without welding

Tools Used for the Replacement Rocker Panel

Before the process of replacing, right and useful tools are crucial. These tools are the primary tools that you have needed for the restoration of your truck’s, but multiple individuals also utilize pry bard for eliminating rusted metal stubborn pieces.

The following tools will be used during the replacement process:

Wire Brush

The wire brush is required by you to take out paint present around the cut-out part edge. Thus, you could make sure that you have cut away rust end. Rust bits can be removed by a wire brush, which is stiff, which is available around the individual work area & reveal the metal and bare.

Angle Grinder

It is the easiest and fastest way to take out large components, destroyed rocker panel. People could conveniently replace grinder discs with various grit. On the other side, for multiple jobs, a 50-grit aggressive disc would make significantly less work related to rusty parts. With an angle grinder, there is a very smooth edge. You don’t need to worry regarding it.

Rust Inhibitor

It will support to avoid rust from creating on your rocker panel. For this, Zero Rust is recommended by us.

Slip-on Replacement of Rocker Panel

For the slip-on replacement rocker panel, different steps are involved. These steps are similar to the welded kind but slightly different in the attachment method and prep work. Slip-on term does not mean that individual slip the entire panels on your damaged, rusty old ones. Still, there is a lot of work to be done to discard the rusted portions worst and then protect new panels at the new position, but you could connect your current board with adhesive or fasteners with slip-ones instead of to weld panel. Usually, you prevent having to take out the door of your trucks with this choice.

Tools You Require

For this kind of replacement rocker panel, still, you require the similar tools as required for welded panels. Following tools, you have required:

  • Rust Inhibitor
  • Pneumatic Drill or Electric
  • Wire brush
  • Adhesive/ Rivets/Fasteners
  • Angle grinder
  • Hammer and Pry bar

Slip-on rocker panels installation Process

For a considerable number of brands and trucks, You will Need Slip-on Rocker Panel.  These can be used for different brands such as Chevrolet, Ford, Jeep, GMC, and Dodge. These are other trucks that are usually suffering rust and damaged. The new lease must be given to your vehicle on life & prevent further. The following steps are involved in the slip-on replacement of rocker panels.

How to Remove Rocker Panel

From rockers panel, rusted metal is cut out by using a tool named angle grinder. Five blades can be taken up to complete this stage. If the rocker panel and door on the individual truck you find that bows out, like multiple, do, you would require to cut the massive number of panels away. Thus, a new user panel will adjust into place.

After Removing the Old rocker panel, You Need to Follow Below Steps.

Step 1

Rust and Lingering Flakes are Clear Away

From the location which is under the doorways to the cab, use a hammer and pry bar to take out any rusty metal which is remaining in that area. For excellent rust, location is remaining rust to begin a new once you have completed the job. People also are not capable of weld rusted metal suitably & get the robust and clean weld that individuals want among the replacement and existing panel.

Step 2

Sand or Grind Away

Due to colossal rust and damage cutaway, clean off the paint and remaining rust on the grinder with discs of  50-grit. Try to frequently adjust your new useful slip-on panel to make sure that they adapt & there are neither warped or burrs edges.

Step 3

Coated by using Rust Inhibitor

Now clean and ground by using edges, spray these portions with the coat by using a paint of rust-inhibiting or rust inhibitor to support remove metal parts from getting rusting in the future. This one is the optimal solution to coat the new panel reverse side by using the rust inhibitor in that condition if the manufacturer is not present.

Step 4

Drill and Mark Holes

Spaced holes are marked for rivets if riveting.  Generally, every 2 inches are enough though you could change this relying on the complexity and shape of the rocker. Around 1/8 inches drill holes on the mark by using people’s handheld drill. Before you start drilling, make sure that the rocker panels are at the same place where you need it.  It might support to utilize clamps during the entire procedure.

Step 5

smooth process

On the slip-on panel reverse side, and the edge of the truck smooth off entire drill spurs by using a flat disc which is connected to the grinder.  This avoids metal from becoming protruding the edges of the hole and transforming the panel very tough to adjust in its position.

Step 6

Connect Rocker-Panel

By using the option of adhesive and fasteners, connect this panel to your truck.

Step 7

Finishing and Adjusting Touches                           

At any particular point, if the panel not properly line-up along the rocker length, you might be capable of using tools of hammering to adjust in those places, but this must be the last resort. Rock panels are painted to compare the truck color.


The conclusion drawn from the above discussion is that if your jeep, truck, or SUV is suffering from rusted or damaged rocker panels, replacing them yourself is an effective way to resolve the issues. In this article, we will perform the replacement of the rocker panel with a slip-on. If your rockers are facing general corrosion damage but not suffering from any other deformation, especially along the bottom and top edges, slip-on rocker panels might be an optimal choice.